Milling Tools for various Applications

Milling Tools and Milling Pins for Profiling, Deburring and Processing of Metal, Wood and Plastics. Standard-Tools and Customized Solutions in various material- and geometry combinations.

File Teeth Products

Components and Tools with File Teeth. File Teeth have higher strenghts and higher resistance against wear compared to milled Tool Geometries. Depending on the intended use File Teeth in different Sizes can be applied.

System Solutions for Insulation Industry

Rasp Cutter for Profiling of Insulation Plates and Insulation Material. Manufactured as per Customer Specification and Application in various Shapes and Materials.


Your partner for specialized tool solutions

We offer system solutions, standard and customized tools of many renowned suppliers.
Through our sound experience we can offer the right tool for your application.
By using the know-how, support and product portfolio of premium manufacturers and suppliers we can offer the best solution for any application.
Because of the high quantities we source from our suppliers we can pass on the good pricing to our customers.
For customized manufactured tools please use the contact options.

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